How it works: I have events around Portland where I spend the day working on mixers onsite at host’s retail location. Please review the Events sections for specific dates/locations. I am also available to do a 1 on 1 if need be.

  • You’ll make a reservation and pay on host’s site.

  • If I need to replace parts* the charges will be collected when you pick up your mixer. Please request any limits.

  • 1-3 days prior you’ll deliver your mixer to host’s location.

  • 1-3 days after being contacted you’ll pickup. I will text you a photo of the inside of unit when completed.

The service includes opening up the unit to inspect, clean, replace transmission case gasket and regrease the gears with food-safe grease, inspect and adjust the speed/head locking levers, adjust the whisk/blade height and pivot point mechanisms, inspect the electrical cord; thoroughly clean the exterior of the machine and polish the surface to make it look almost new*.

Note: I only work on select models that are listed in details below.**

If you’d like to host an event at a retail shop, DIY workshop or mixer fixer mixer, please contact me.

Photos are what mixer’s grease look like inside after 10, 20, 30+ years of mixing.


Service $99*

If replacement parts are needed during service, the labor to install is included.

  • $15 speed lever

  • $15 head locking lever

  • $10 attachment knob

  • $15 attachment cap

  • $15 rubber feet

  • $12 Spring/washer on shaft

  • $20 worm drive gear***

  • $20 electrical cord

  • $20 chrome drip ring

  • $40 Hub gears

I work on**

Tilt Head: Classic, Classic Plus, Ultra Power, Artisan, and Lift Bowl Heavy Duty model.

(these models are mechanical and driven by gears and grease)

I DON’T work on**

Lift Bowl: 5 qt, 6 qt, 7 qt, Pro 500/600/700 series, Artisan Mini, Tilt Head Accolade.

(these models are electronic driven)

Fine print

  • The motor of your stand mixer must turn on for me to service it.

  • Please bring your bowl, wire whisk and flat blade attachments along with the machine, so I can adjust everything properly.

  • If it makes a horrible grinding noise that’s OK and I will try to fix that.***

  • ***The worm drive gear is considered a “sacrificial gear” in the event a utensil falls into the bowl while an attachment is spinning. The teeth on the worm gear are plastic and immediately breaks to prevent the motor from burning out. I excavate the broken teeth from within the grease and replace the gear.